Author Archive
Notice is hereby given that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the above association will be held at the Child of Hale Public House L24 4AX on Wednesday 19th October 2016 at 20:15 hours, Tea and Coffee will be available from 20:00 hours. Attendance is limited to Members. AGENDA. Members Questions/ Discussion and/…
The CAA has published a document which changes slightly the IMC renewal form SRG 1176. The new form requires that it be copied to the CAA because they want to monitor the number of current and renewed IMC ratings. The purpose is to develop a database in readiness for an approach to EASA in…
AGM wednesday 3rd September 2015 at the Wellington Hotel, HALE Village. L24 4AG LIGHT REFRESHMENT/BUFFET AT 20:00 HOURS THIS IS A MEMBERS ONLY EVENT. PLEASE SEE AGENDA FOR FULL DETAILS. (IN THE LIST TO THE RIGHT) Please advise if you are hoping to join us at the Meeting. . It is all happening NOW. Please…
Andy Thompson attended the meeting on Tuesday on behalf of LAGAUA to hear the details of the proposal from Hawarden for an RMZ (Radio Mandatory Zone). Thanks to Andy, I pass on to you the feedback. “Firstly the staff at Hawarden are very aware of the type of traffic in the area and want…
Any photos, documents or memories of old Speke wanted Nicky Lees has been given the job of puting a Heritage Display around the John Lennon statue in the Main Terminal. CAN YOU HELP photographs and memorabilia. Please contact direct mentioning LAGAUA please. Nicky Lees Airport Chaplin 0151 907 1654 0792 790 3037
Fact Sheets from the General Aviation Awareness Council Fact Sheet 14 – General Aviation (GA) – its value to the UK economy 1. What is General Aviation (GA)? • General Aviation (GA), together with Aerial Work (AW) comprises all civil aviation activity other than Commercial Air Transport (CAT). • The CAT sector operates about 900…
We welcome the new GA Fuels rig at Liverpool Airport, operating on the GA apron For more information on GA Fuels go to the GA Fuels contact page

Notice is hereby given that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the above association will be held at the Child of Hale Public House L24 4AX on Wednesday 19th October 2016 at 20:15 hours, Tea and Coffee will be available from 20:00 hours. Attendance is limited to Members. AGENDA. Members Questions/ Discussion and/…

The CAA has published a document which changes slightly the IMC renewal form SRG 1176. The new form requires that it be copied to the CAA because they want to monitor the number of current and renewed IMC ratings. The purpose is to develop a database in readiness for an approach to EASA in…

AGM wednesday 3rd September 2015 at the Wellington Hotel, HALE Village. L24 4AG LIGHT REFRESHMENT/BUFFET AT 20:00 HOURS THIS IS A MEMBERS ONLY EVENT. PLEASE SEE AGENDA FOR FULL DETAILS. (IN THE LIST TO THE RIGHT) Please advise if you are hoping to join us at the Meeting. . It is all happening NOW. Please…
Andy Thompson attended the meeting on Tuesday on behalf of LAGAUA to hear the details of the proposal from Hawarden for an RMZ (Radio Mandatory Zone). Thanks to Andy, I pass on to you the feedback. “Firstly the staff at Hawarden are very aware of the type of traffic in the area and want…

Any photos, documents or memories of old Speke wanted Nicky Lees has been given the job of puting a Heritage Display around the John Lennon statue in the Main Terminal. CAN YOU HELP photographs and memorabilia. Please contact direct mentioning LAGAUA please. Nicky Lees Airport Chaplin 0151 907 1654 0792 790 3037
Fact Sheets from the General Aviation Awareness Council Fact Sheet 14 – General Aviation (GA) – its value to the UK economy 1. What is General Aviation (GA)? • General Aviation (GA), together with Aerial Work (AW) comprises all civil aviation activity other than Commercial Air Transport (CAT). • The CAT sector operates about 900…

We welcome the new GA Fuels rig at Liverpool Airport, operating on the GA apron For more information on GA Fuels go to the GA Fuels contact page