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Liverpool Airport GA Users Association (LAGAUA) Notice of 8th Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given that the 8th Annual General Meeting of the above association will be held on :- Wednesday 11th November 2020 at 7.30pm Due to the Coronavirus restrictions, this year’s AGM will be held online via Zoom. Please email Chris for…
Jim Addison has passed the following emails to LAGAUA. We would all appreciate some reduction in fuel costs. For LAGAUA Chris Wylie. Hon Sec. I am a member of Fair Fuel UK and this organisation does have lobbying arrangements in parliament.Current fuel duty is 37.7 pence per litre and VAT is added making the total…
Please see Airspace Co-ordination notice ref: 2016-11-0085. Listed dates 215/11/2015 to 31/12/2016 08-00 to 19-00. BUT EXPECTED to be 8th and 9 December. Please see the document or ask at your FBO. Regards Chris Wylie.
SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE & DEDICATION, SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2016, ST GEORGE’S HALL PLATEAU, LIME STREET The above event will be held on Sunday 13th November 2016 and we would be very grateful as in previous years, to divert all air traffic from the vicinity of St George’s Hall, Lime Street, Liverpool, during the Service which…
Liverpool Airport GA Users Association (LAGAUA) Notice of 8th Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given that the 8th Annual General Meeting of the above association will be held on :- Wednesday 11th November 2020 at 7.30pm Due to the Coronavirus restrictions, this year’s AGM will be held online via Zoom. Please email Chris for…
Jim Addison has passed the following emails to LAGAUA. We would all appreciate some reduction in fuel costs. For LAGAUA Chris Wylie. Hon Sec. I am a member of Fair Fuel UK and this organisation does have lobbying arrangements in parliament.Current fuel duty is 37.7 pence per litre and VAT is added making the total…

Please see Airspace Co-ordination notice ref: 2016-11-0085. Listed dates 215/11/2015 to 31/12/2016 08-00 to 19-00. BUT EXPECTED to be 8th and 9 December. Please see the document or ask at your FBO. Regards Chris Wylie.
SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE & DEDICATION, SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2016, ST GEORGE’S HALL PLATEAU, LIME STREET The above event will be held on Sunday 13th November 2016 and we would be very grateful as in previous years, to divert all air traffic from the vicinity of St George’s Hall, Lime Street, Liverpool, during the Service which…