Notice is hereby given that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the above association will be held at the Child of Hale Public House L24 4AX on Wednesday 19th October 2016 at 20:15 hours, Tea and Coffee will be available from 20:00 hours.
Attendance is limited to Members.
- Members Questions/ Discussion and/ or comments.
- Chairman’s report and update on current issues of concern to members.
- Vice Chairman’s feedback from FOLA and the Consultative Committee.
- John Palmer & Andy Thompson to comment on Flight Safety Meetings etc.
- Secretary’s report
- Treasurer’s report and statement of accounts.
- Election of Officers (Proxy Voting will be accepted).
Consideration of those who have expressed an interest to be approved:-
Election of Chairman.
Election of Vice Chairman *.
Election of Secretary.
Election of Treasurer.
2 additional ordinary members.
(* Elected by the Management Committee)
- Any Other Business.
Please consider serving on the Management Committee and / or volunteering
for assistance with particular initiatives.