Archive For The “News” Category
Please see Airspace Co-ordination notice ref: 2016-11-0085. Listed dates 215/11/2015 to 31/12/2016 08-00 to 19-00. BUT EXPECTED to be 8th and 9 December. Please see the document or ask at your FBO. Regards Chris Wylie.
SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE & DEDICATION, SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2016, ST GEORGE’S HALL PLATEAU, LIME STREET The above event will be held on Sunday 13th November 2016 and we would be very grateful as in previous years, to divert all air traffic from the vicinity of St George’s Hall, Lime Street, Liverpool, during the Service which…
I felt truly honoured that at the recent AGM of LAGAUA I was elected as the second chairman of the association. My aim is to continue with the work we have been doing over the past 4 years in order to truly establish the postion of LAGAUA as the voice of GA at Liverpool airport. …
As many of you will be aware Jim Addison retired as Chairman of LAGAUA at our recent AGM and I was priveleged to be elcted chairman in his place. Jim was the founder of LAGAUA and its inspiration. He has worked tirelessly to promote the interests of GA at Liverpool and as I said at…
Notice is hereby given that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the above association will be held at the Child of Hale Public House L24 4AX on Wednesday 19th October 2016 at 20:15 hours, Tea and Coffee will be available from 20:00 hours. Attendance is limited to Members. AGENDA. Members Questions/ Discussion and/…
AGM wednesday 3rd September 2015 at the Wellington Hotel, HALE Village. L24 4AG LIGHT REFRESHMENT/BUFFET AT 20:00 HOURS THIS IS A MEMBERS ONLY EVENT. PLEASE SEE AGENDA FOR FULL DETAILS. (IN THE LIST TO THE RIGHT) Please advise if you are hoping to join us at the Meeting. . It is all happening NOW. Please…
We welcome the new GA Fuels rig at Liverpool Airport, operating on the GA apron For more information on GA Fuels go to the GA Fuels contact page