I felt truly honoured that at the recent AGM of LAGAUA I was elected as the second chairman of the association. My aim is to continue with the work we have been doing over the past 4 years in order to truly establish the postion of LAGAUA as the voice of GA at Liverpool airport. In order to raise the profile of LAGAUA and to attract new members I would like to organise flying and social events under the umbrella of LAGAUA. What is clear, however, from our failed attempt to organise a fly-in at Liverpool last summer is that we must be realistic in our plans, as the airport will not allow us to do anything which may interfere with commercial operations.
I propose to discuss my ideas with our committee in the near future and hopefully publish a programme of events in time for the 2017 flying season. In the meantime if anybody has any ideas of what they would like to see LAGAUA doing or of any events that we should organise, or if you would like to help us orgsanise any events, then please contact me either through the LAGAUA website or by email at chairman@liverpoolgausers.org.uk
Lets work together in promoting our passion for GA at a wonderful airport.
Best wishes
Keith Levin